
Oil Tanker Familiarization

There are many courses that are associated with marine engineering. One such subject is oil tanker familiarization. It is a mandatory part of STCW 95. The significance of the subject is very high that is exactly why oil tanker familiarization [...]

Piper Alpha Oil Rig Disaster

It was in the year 1988 the month was July and the fatal day was the sixth. The very famous Piper alpha oil rig constructed by McDermott met with a bad explosion. In which about one hundred and sixty seven crewmen died.  Therefore the Piper [...]

Working On An Oil Rig

We all have heard of oil mines and how important they are for our day to day operations. Oil is a very vital resource that makes the world around us whatever it is today. No wonder it is also called black gold. We will discuss a little more [...]

How Much Does a Ship Cost?

We all have seen huge ships on the sea. Some of us have also take vacations on a cruise. However, have you ever wondered as to what might be the cost of a ship? Interesting isn’t it to know what would be the price of a ship. That’s exactly [...]

Ports Barely Operational In Libya

With the ongoing power struggle in Libya it was reported that some ports were still operating as of 4/4/2011. There has been fierce fighting between rebels and government loyalist in the country for the past few weeks and oil production has [...]

Minor Causes Major Accidents at Sea

If one can read the poem Rime Of The Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge one can imagine & feel the awful experience of the voyage, “Water, water, everywhere And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere Nor any drop to [...]
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