
About Us

This website is being developed by Abhishek Solutions – a web based outsourcing consultancy service. The owner of the website has nearly a decade of experience sailing on merchant ships at various ranks as a marine engineer. The complete profile of the concerned person can be found at this link where he works as Contributing Editor at this popular technical portal Brighthub.

Our main vision is to create this site as a preferred location for finding any type of marine industry related information for all kinds of viewers right from students aspiring to become sailors, working professionals, people searching for marine industry related jobs, or even casual visitors who would like to increase their knowledge about the otherwise less known world of ships and oceans.

Various sections have also got discussion forums where people can share their knowledge, experiences and other information, thus truly creating a sense of community. Oceans might cover 2/3 of the Earth’s surface, yet the arena of marine engineering, navigation and related concepts is still not very well known amongst the public in general. This website is also an attempt to try and fill that demand-supply gap of quality marine related technical information and the very few places where such authentic information can be gained.

Abhishek Solutions also provides consultancy for web design, graphic design, networking, programming, help and guidance for students. A seperate website dedicated to these outsourcing solutions is also currently under development at Abhishek-Solutions.com

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