Shipping Job Frauds

Current fake agent chaos in shipping: Who is to blame?

The maritime industry has been one of the most isolated industries for a long time. However, in the last few years it was noticed that there is a huge gap between the demand and supply of shipping agents this resulted in many maritime institutes [...]

Current fake agent chaos in shipping: Who is to blame?

The maritime industry has been one of the most isolated industries for a long time. However, in the last few years it was noticed that there is a huge gap between the demand and supply of shipping agents this resulted in many maritime institutes [...]

How to Get a Job in Merchant Navy?

Once merchant navy was a profession to be envious of, despite the challenges and difficulties one had to face on board a ship. There was a huge gap of pay between the shore jobs and sea jobs. This gap is still there as a normal private or government [...]

HAL Offshore Limited Job Vacancy

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Isolated Workplace @ North Pole

Extreme Jobs: Weatherman @ North Pole

Solitude is mostly a subject matter of discussion under philosophy and spirituality but you might be wondering what is this topic doing at a site related to marine engineering. Well you will find out soon as you know that life has different [...]
Offshore Drilling Platforms

How Does An Oil Platform Stand In The Sea?

It is common to see offshore drilling and oil platforms in the sea. Have you ever wondered how does an oil platform stand in the sea? Well we are exactly going to explain the same in this article. It is very common today to set an oil platform [...]
Underwater Inspection Services

Underwater Ship Inspection

Marine Engineers take care of most of the maintenance jobs on the ship but there are certain areas which require specialist services. For example the part of the ship which is immersed in water is subject to the maximum possibility of corrosion [...]
Marine Jobs

Do I Have To Pay For A Marine Job?

There days the shipping world is also facing a sort of recession in tune with the global phenomenon and jobs are a bit scarce compared to the number of applicants. This is more true of freshers, juniors and lesser experienced people, than for [...]
INS Vikramaditya

INS Vikramaditya: New Era In Sea Combat

You must have heard of refurbished cars, refurbished mobiles or something but have you ever heard of refurbished ships, that too a major warship. Well I am not talking about any toy ship but a real massive and the latest Naval Warship of the [...]
Marine Job Sites

5 Good Seafarer Job Sites

The seafarer jobs are highly in demand as many people across the world want to make a career in the merchant navy. We also have an article comparing land vs sea jobs, if you would like to read it. If you are also looking for a good job in the [...]
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