
Perks of Opting to Use Shipping Containers as Guest Rooms

A guest room serves not only to give comfort & privacy to both the homeowner and the guest. While it is typical to have a spare room  at one’s home for this purpose, not everyone is graced with such a luxury of having an extra room.

Home additions can entail too much work, too much hassle & a lot of funds. However, if you really want a special place for your guests there is always a solution to that – make a guest room from shipping containers.


Best Things About Building a Guest Room Using Shipping Containers

  1. Shipping Containers are an economical choice – compared to a home addition or a home remodeling project, that is. The mere fact that shipping containers are becoming popular go-to for tiny houses says it all. Did you know what you can make a lovely space for your guest for as low as $900?
  2. Building a guest room out of shipping containers take less time – you can avail of those that are prepped for use as home extensions. Meaning your purchase of a container already includes ready to use or ready-to-modify features such as wirings doors, floors, windows and walls. In the end, what’s left for you to do is to come up with a way to make your guests’ space homey by choosing the right furniture & decor.
  3. Shipping containers can be rented – not ready to commit yet? Well this is a good news for you: shipping containers can be rented. Of course, most often than not, renting is your best bet for a need like this without committing to the costs of building and maintaining this extension of your home.
  4. Shipping container guest rooms offer more privacy – because these rooms are built separate from your main home, you, your family & your guests will enjoy more privacy. Of course, a day of chit chat over lemonade is good but added privacy helps everyone get a good night’s rest after.
  5. Living in a shipping container is a unique experience – at the moment staying in a tiny homes is an experience limited to a few. If you want to give your guests that experience while you still own your privacy (as mentioned above) then definitely opt to have a shipping container guest room ready!
  6. It is a lovely staycation space on your backyard – if you want to enjoy some “me time” without going too far, be your own guest. A shipping container can be your very own cabana. Staycations by yourself or with a few of your friends can be held here. You can modify and decorate depending on your staycation’s theme.
  7. Rent the shipping container guest room a la AirBnB – since the space is detached from your home to serve for added privacy, you can rent out the space for tourists when you don’t have guests to accommodate. This will not only cover the maintenance costs of having the space but it will also allow you to meet great people outside of your circle.

Speaking of having an uncommon guest room, as in one that is actually attached from your main house, you may need to opt for 20 feet containers. This should be able to have a comfy bedroom, a compact bath and toilet and possibly a table for eating or study.

Still sitting on the fence? Why not rent a shipping container & try it out for yourself? Then find out that it is indeed true that if you are for giving your guests a great stay in your place without you having to drill a hole on your pockets, a shipping container guest room is your best bet.



Daryl Clark has been assisting with online Marketing for 6 years. He has been managing online businesses for 17 years and is the owner of D. Clark Associates.




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