Merchant Navy vs. Land Jobs

Land vs Sea

Every job comes with a list of advantage and disadvantage. We will now discuss about the pros and cons of a merchant navy job.

The discussion is basically about Merchant Navy vs. Land Jobs. A merchant navy officer has many challenges that make the job any day different for a normal nine to six job. This discussion will help you to decide better if you want to take up the job or not.

Well the first point is that in merchant navy you will have to spend months away from your family. Whereas in a land job you may go on official tours for sometime but you can always be with your family on important days. In merchant navy you may have to miss the death of a near and dear one.

The happy moment of a child birth will also be missed as you will be sailing. Your family will miss you and this may make you feel worse when you are all alone. If you are the one who wants to be with your family and you cannot think of a life without them then you will have to reconsider your choice.

Well now let’s move on to some advantages of being in merchant navy. The pay of a merchant navy officer is any day much higher than many other professions. The land jobs can never pay you as well as a merchant navy job. The salary of an entry level officer itself might be much more than a professional with few years of experience. This salary is basically a compensation that is paid as one has to spend month away from family.

Another wonderful aspect of merchant navy job is that if the officer is spending six months on a ship then he is exempted from paying tax. Every professional hates to pay tax. This is because we pay tax from our own earned money.

However, in case of a merchant navy there is no tax levied. Interesting right, this ensures that you can save more of your money and you don’t have to pay tax. This increases savings. You can enjoy a lavish life. Your family can have a secured future. You can do all that is just a dream for the normal professionals who are doing land jobs.

As already mentioned in a land job you have no feel of adventure. You know exactly what you are expected to do and how. If you are looking for thrill merchant navy is the field. This is because every day you will face a new challenge. You can travel the whole world.

You can go to places that none of your friends can think of. In some cases you can also take your family for some time. You can enjoy new cultures and interact with many types of people. There will ensure that you have an adventurous life. In land job you have limited vacation but in merchant navy you are always on a vacation.

Land jobs are mostly restricted to countries and cities. In merchant navy you can do jobs that are across the world. You can work internationally. You will have experience of working with a range of professionals.

This exposure is something that no land job can ever give you. Another major point of difference is that when you take a leave in a land job it can be for a week or two. However, in a merchant navy job you can take a two months break. All you need to do is keep the gap between two assignments of around two months. You can also make this period longer.

In any land job there is a high requirement for specific qualifications. However, you can join the job of merchant nay with a basic school leaving certificate. You can take exams from time to time in order to get promoted to higher levels.

These are the various pros and cons of Merchant Navy vs. Land Jobs. I hope this will help you to understand the issues and concerns of a merchant navy officer better. This will also help you to take a call on whether you want to take up this profession or not.

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