
Top 10 Cruise Companies

Cruise the sound itself feels us with excitement and a holiday mood. All of us want to go on a cruise at least once in our life and why not after all it gives us a once in a life time memory too. Well many of us feel cruise is not safe or they [...]

World’s Largest Wooden Ships

  Ships we all have seen then since childhood. Many of us must have had one in the toys that we have played with while growing up. Well ships play a vital role in world trade and also in international relationships. All countries do have [...]

Spanish Armada Ships

Sea has always been the means for trade for generations. The mightiest rulers always ensured that the seas are in their control. However, this could only be possible if the countries had strong ships that could not be defeated by any army. A [...]

Ship Propeller Design

Ships are vessels that operate in water. There are many parts to a ship. However, the most important part will be a propeller. As the name suggests a propeller is a device that makes way for the ship to move ahead in the water. We will now discuss [...]

Ship Fires at Sea

Ships are vessels that are an integral part of world trade. Without them world trade would be impossible. They carry goods that cannot be shifted by air. Cargo ships are primarily used to transport goods. With time even passenger ships have [...]

Maritime Accidents Investigation

Maritime Accidents have been bothering the sea farers and shipping companies for years now. Safety has always been a big concern for the shipping industry as such. We are now going to discuss about Maritime accidents investigation and the importance [...]

What is a Cargo Plan?

There is no dispute about the fact that marine vessels were primarily developed to be able to transport people and cargo in bulk. Leaving aside a few types of vessels all vessels moving towards the sea are laden with cargo. It is important for [...]

Alternative Maritime Power

A ship is a huge amalgamation of various machines. These machines run on power and most of them are major consumer of powers. Power consumption by a ship while on sail and while moored are different and need to be analyzed separately. In this [...]

Ship vs Boat – The Comparison

Author – Kavita Desai Ship vs Boat Story The most basic difference between a Boat and a Ship is that Ships are larger than boats. While Ships are vessels involved in transoceanic trips and deep water transport, and have one regular main [...]
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