
Seaman Book: What Is A Marine CDC?

Today we are going to touch upon a very simple topic which is quite confusing for beginners, namely that of a seaman book or a marine CDC. Do you know what is a CDC and why is it required in marine jobs?

What Is the Seaman Book?

Seaman Book

DG Shipping

A seaman book or CDC refers to a document which means continuous discharge certificate. This is a must have document for any seaman who is planning to work in most marine related jobs, especially where sailing is concerned. The importance of this document is dual. It is used both for identity of the seafarer as well as documentary evidence for service. CDC is also called the seaman record book. Once a person has qualified to work in the Navy, they must apply for the CDC.

The CDC can also be referred to as a sort of marine passport. This certificate was initiated by the STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers). It was initiated in 1978 and was revised in 1995. The captain of the ship must sign this document as an approval that the seaman was engaged in the ship for a particular duration of time at a specific rank.

Issue of CDC

The CDC is generally issued for a period of ten years. It can be re applied for six months before the expiry of the CDC. This is so because the document is a must have for a seaman. The seaman cannot travel without this document. If the seaman was in a voyage when the CDC expired then we can wait till the voyage ends. The day the voyage ends will be considered to be the last day of validity for the CDC.

CDCs can be issued by various authorities from different nations. The CDC that is issued by the Bahamas is valid for a lifetime. In India to get a CDC one must apply with a passport copy, two passport size photographs, the details of the basic STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers) courses the officer has taken, a medical fitness certificate which is approved by a practicing doctor and a basic bio data that has the latest contact information. All these can help one to get a CDC.

The Seaman Book contains all information about the seaman, like the country the seaman belongs to. Information like basic qualifications of the seaman is a vital part of the CDC. It also gives a good deal of information about the jobs that the seaman has done in the past. The feedback of the captains can also be found. It is basically a comprehensive record book that is a vital part of the seaman’s life.

Before CDC happened it was very difficult to trace the origins of the seaman. However, with a valid CDC you can easily ensure where the seaman was born. The basic contact details that are mentioned in the CDC can be used to inform the family in case of emergency. The CDC has played a vital role in the life of merchant navy officers all across the world. The format of the CDC is same all across. This is exactly why it becomes even easier to understand the contents of the CDC. I hope by now you have got a clear idea of what a CDC or a seaman book actually is and how is it useful.

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