Deck Cadet Vacancies

Before we get into the discussion of deck cadet vacancies, let us try and understand what exactly is a deck cadet and what is his job. Well as the name suggests it is a naval job. A job that is very popular in navy.

It is the apprenticeship position in the deck that a newly graduated person from a navy school gets. This position is available on any merchant marine vessel. The job primarily is to manage the deck. They must see if there is any obstruction on the way. They stand on the deck whole day and keep an eye on the deck. They play a vital role in the ship and stand a good position to be an officer if perform well. They gradually become the right hand of the captain himself. The job is of high responsibility and so the rewards are high too. They can learn a lot from this job and the scope of growth to a rank in the ship is huge.

The deck cadets are also used to maintenance of the deck and the equipment. This makes them a complete all rounder. They can get quite a few USCG certificates. The scope is indeed quite s big one. They can join other shipping lines with time. The growth will be slow but gradual. There are many high ranking officers in navy today all across the world who started their career as a deck cadet. They have to give exams from time to time to prove their skills in order to get promoted in an honest manner. The eligibility of getting into a naval college has already been discussed in our previous articles. You can refer those and understand the joining process.

Some have a misconception that deck cadets are needed only in commercial vessels. This is not true at all they are needed in tourist and luxury vessels too. The specialization that they have is needed for all sea vessels and not a particular type alone. No fresher can join this you have to be a graduate from a recognised navy school. There are many navy schools in India and abroad that prepare their students for the challenges of this field. The competition is high as every year a joining in.

Well due to the economic down turn the world wide business has taken a hit. Even people prefer to take a little economic vacation due to the economic downturn. The effects were felt in the shipping lines and the business was hit. The first reason for this was definitely the fact that the demand for deck cadets were much lesser than the supply that was happening from the navy schools all across the world. Until the demand and supply situation is under control this will persist. Perhaps the navy authorities should look at the requirement and then start the courses and open new institutes.

The situation must be controlled else students will stop looking at it as a good career option and prefer to join some other job. This will be a big blow to the industry that definitely needs fresh talents. The only way the government can make this happen is by reducing the seats as the requirements are low. The government can also try to get these fresh graduates into some other industry for the time being. This will give them more assurance.

The difference in demand and supply in this industry has now given rise to a fresh problem that must be controlled. The fresh graduates who have someone in the family like a father or uncle in the shipping line for a long time are using referrals to get the jobs. This is making it very difficult for the talented students to get a job. Even giving and accepting a bribe is becoming a big issue. The naval authorities must immediately take a step about this else this highly respected field will soon lose its grandeur. A newly graduated cadet is often treated as a burden for any shipping company.

They mostly prefer not to hire a new cadet. If hired they are not treated well and the companies try that these fresher leave the job soon. They are also considered as a threat to the future of the seniors who are already waiting to get promoted due to this imbalance in the industry. The shipping companies must ensure that their fresh recruits are treated well by the seniors and are given equal opportunity.

Marine engineering is a specialized field. Once you become a mariner you will remain one for life. It is difficult for them to find a job in any other industry if the shipping industry has no vacancy. They are left to go nowhere after spending the huge money on training. They often get frustrated. We seriously feel that there will definitely be some other field that they can work on or help in.

These companies and industries must be recognised and invited to these navy schools. Gone are the days when the marine institutes used to produce high quality cadets. These have become a good money making institute. They make promise that there will be cent percent hiring but that is not happening for a long time. As a result the graduates are feeling depressed and without any road ahead. A feeling of being cheated is definitely increasing. The situation is alarming and the government along with the naval authority must treat this situation seriously before it is too late.

This will help you to understand the exact function of the deck cadet and the deck cadet vacancies better. There is a low now in demand for a deck cadet. We have also discussed the reasons for this sudden slow down. Nevertheless, the scope of growth is high and in the near future there might be a good possibility coming up for these cadets.

Every industry has its ups and down so it does not mean that you should stop pursuing the career. If you have the passion do take it up and do your best and you will see the results soon.

We also present the video testimony of a student who hails from an area which has no marine connections at all and benefited from our site and is now on his way to becoming a naval officer.


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