
Wife of a Sailor: Life of a Sailor

In this article we are going to talk about how difficult is the personal life of a sailor. The sailor lives a very adventurous life. He has to fight the high waves and many sea creatures. He spends a lot of time in the sea. His life is at the [...]
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Boat Swain, Electrical Officer, Chief Officer, Master and Chief Engineer

Varun Shipping Company Limited Laxmi Building, 6, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400001, India. Tel: + 91 22 66350100-09 Fax: +91 22 66350274 VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Was This Post Useful?please wait...Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes [...]
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