
Rising Costs Of Bunkers

If you are a land-man (a self made phrase corresponding to a sea-man – or woman for that matter) you are surely concerned about rising fuel prices by the day. Yet you might find solace in the fact that the shipping industry has much more [...]
Panama Canal Locks

Who Built The Panama Canal & Why?

Even if you are not a mariner, its quite possible that you have heard about the Panama Canal. But do you actually know who built the Panama Canal and more importantly what is the feature that makes it so different from other normal canals, apart [...]

Types of Ships/Boats – Quiz 1

Take our quiz to find out how much you know about facts related to types of ships. If you complete this quiz in 5 minutes our system will record your details and we will put your name in a lucky draw and have surprise gifts for you. So just [...]
B&W Ship Engines

B&W Ship Engines

If you thought that B&W engines were meant only for motor vehicles then you might be surprised to know that B&W ship engines are also available. They are used to propel huge ships. They have a long history of manufacturing world class [...]
Bill Of Lading Precautions

Bill Of Lading Precautions

Bill of lading is one of the most important documents that are used in international trade. It is used in shipping of goods. The document is a legal one and can be used as a proof in any court of law. We will now tell you all about the bill [...]

Rogue Waves In The Oceans

The mystery of nature becomes deeper as we think about more about them. One such enchanting mystery that has often fascinated man is the god’s fist also known as the rogue waves in the oceans. The scientists are working very hard on finding [...]

Maritime Accidents: Is Complacency A Culprit?

Safety on the ship has always been a very important area of concern for the shipping companies. The statistical data prove that a lot of maritime accidents happen due to human error. We will now in this article discuss the role of complacency [...]

Personal Survival Techniques

There are many courses that a mariner must take. We are now going to discuss one such course that is considered of utmost importance for a sea farer. Personal Survival Techniques (PST) is a course under STCW (The International Convention on [...]

Marine Superintendent Salary

Marine superintendent as the name itself suggests it is a big role that one plays in the ships. It involves a lot of responsibility. We will now discuss about the role in more details and the salary that is generally given out to a marine superintendent. [...]

Organic Micro Pollutants In Marine And Increased Plastic Litter

Gradual accumulation of organic micro pollutants in the oceans has been posing threat to the marine ecological system. The rising levels of organic micro pollutants in the oceans are attributed to the excessive use of plastics; plastics being [...]
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