
How to Get a Job in Merchant Navy?

Once merchant navy was a profession to be envious of, despite the challenges and difficulties one had to face on board a ship. There was a huge gap of pay between the shore jobs and sea jobs. This gap is still there as a normal private or government [...]

Marine Knowledge Remembers Sailors of M.T. Sanchi (6 January 2018)

Marine accidents do not occur as frequently as road accidents but when they do, it is not easy to contain them or save lives due to factors like deep oceans and long distances involved. One such unfortunate incident occurred recently on Jan [...]

Perks of Opting to Use Shipping Containers as Guest Rooms

A guest room serves not only to give comfort & privacy to both the homeowner and the guest. While it is typical to have a spare room  at one’s home for this purpose, not everyone is graced with such a luxury of having an extra room. Home [...]
INS Sindhurakshak

Pre-Independence Day Mishap: INS Sindhurakshak Goes Down

On the eve of the Independence Day when India is all geared up to celebrate this great moment, a disaster occurred in the armed forces as one of the submarines of the Indian Navy mysteriously caught fire through an explosion and sank while it [...]
Day of the Seafarer

Day Of The Seafarer 2013

As we approach the “Day of The Seafarer” once again, I am reminded of all the excitement we had in our team during the Seafarers Day 2012 when we collaborated with Karine Langlois to contribute our 2 cents to the massive online campaign [...]


Take this quiz to find out how much you know about SART EPIRB VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Was This Post Useful?please wait...Rating: 7.0/10 (1 vote cast)VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
fire extinguisher quiz

Fire Extinguishers Quiz

Take this quiz on fire extinguishers Fire Quiz The wooden sofa in your ship cabin is under fire. Which is the category of fire under which this falls Class A Class B [...]

Tourist Port At Murmansk

The latest buzz is that the port authorities are inventing around twenty million euros to reconstruct the passenger port at Murmansk. This is a plan that will give a major facelift to the Murmansk waterfront. This has been a long plan which [...]

Indian Navy Hiring

Here is first type of entry The Indian Navy needs a lot of people for various roles such as cooks, stewards and topaz. All these roles are vital for the day today operation of the Navy. The cook as the name suggests is responsible for preparing [...]

Rules of the Road – Quiz II

This is the second quiz in our series of quizzes. Check out our other quizzes too. VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Was This Post Useful?please wait...Rating: 10.0/10 (3 votes cast)VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Rating: +3 (from 3 votes)
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