
The Wild Beauty of Oceans

When the ocean roars, when it goes wild

Even the strongest are afraid like a child

When the waves rise like a China wall

It makes even the biggest of liners stall

Life at sea just makes you wise & realize

Takes away all your ego cuts you to size

Such is the grandeur of nature in full grace

Largest of vessels can vanish without trace

Life originated in water so the wise say

Water will engulf it at last nothing will stay

Only a few are blessed to watch this sight

Takes your consciousness to a new height

The bliss of isolation which cant be written

Once you drink it will always keep you smitten

The mermaid is the beauty of my dreams

The voice which I hear in the wave screams

It is an embodiment of the perfect storm

Where survival is a chance not the norm

The beauty of this beast is beyond measure

It will always remain with me as a treasure

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The author loves to follow the global economy and the changing trends in the business world. She writes extensively about projects such as Verschiffung USA, and how they indicate new directions in the global markets. Her other interests include travelling, food blogging and equestrianism.

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