
Which Boat Size Is Right For You?

There are dozens of different types of boats, and they come in many shapes and sizes. What you need depends on how you’ll use it, how often you’ll use it and in what bodies of water you’ll use it. We recently carried an article on boat buying tips which you can read in conjunction with this article to decide the best type of boat for your requirements.

Dinghy Boats

Dinghy Boats

Dinghy: For the Occasional Fisherman

A dinghy boat is a small, non-motorized fishing boat ideal for occasional fishing trips in small bodies of water. It’s not wise to use one in a fast-moving river or stream as it operates on body strength only. A dinghy is best for just one or two passengers for occasional jaunts to the lake or fishing trips.

Kayak Boats

Kayak Boats

Kayak: For Outdoor-Recreation Lovers

You can fish from a kayak, but like a dinghy, you’ll be using your own body strength to navigate from spot to spot. You can kayak in faster-moving streams and rivers as long as you have the upper-body strength needed to make your way where you need to go without getting washed downstream. Kayaks fit one, maybe two people.

Speed Boats

Speed Boats

Speedboat: Fishing and Power in One

If you’re fishing or cruising around a large lake, a speedboat will serve you well. These boats have engines, so they can take you from point A to point B in no time at all. Water skiing is a common pastime for owners of speedboats. Speed boats come in different sizes, but most are made for just a few passengers. Protective accessories like Empire bimini covers are useful to shade your passengers from the sun if you’re going on a longer outing.

Pontoon Boats

Pontoon Boats

Pontoon Boat: For Larger Groups and Casual Outings

A pontoon boat is like a platform on the water. They hold more people than a speedboat—sometimes 10 to 12—and they have a less powerful motor to navigate around a body of water. Pontoon boats are ideal for casual boating outings, including afternoon barbeque on a lake. Pontoon boats can be used in the ocean with caution, but are typically used in lakes, bays and sounds where the water is calmer.

Speed Fishing Boats

Speed Fishing Boats

Sport Fishing Boat: Massive Power and Greater Capacity

Sport fishing boats also come in various sizes, but they exceed the power and capacity of all the boat types previously mentioned. Most sport fishing boats have ample below-deck space and often have features such as bathrooms. These boats are designed for sea fishermen and have the built-in gear to prove it.

Yacht Boats

Yacht Boats

Yacht: For the Classy, Sophisticated Boat Outing

Yachts are essentially a house on the water. Yachts have all the amenities of a land-based dwelling and the power to navigate through the ocean. Most are too large for smaller bodies of water, however. While yachts offer plenty of comfort, they come with a hefty price tag to match.

Which type of boat is right for you? It depends on your budget, how you’ll use it and how many passengers you want to take along for the ride. Boats come in many forms, so choose the one that suits your needs.

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