
Life of a Seaman: Memories of a Mariner

In my heart am still a seaman drinking the beatific potion

A bit of my own self is still somewhere in the deep ocean

I still remember the titanic waves that rocked the ship

How can one forget those memories of offshore trip

People say mariners are just womanizers and boozers

I would say they are the most wise and decent choosers

For they brave the storms without a blink day and night

People just see they are filthy rich but don’t see their plight

Away from home, they toil for months without sight of land

Even when they need it most, there is no one to hold the hand

The only thing visible to the world are the luxury and cheers

Yet no one sees what goes inside those fears and tears

Yet a seaman is the strongest person you could anytime face

Who survives alone amidst oceans not seen nor a trace

Once you drink the ocean water, it casts a permanent spell

You are never devoid of true stories, there are always tales to tell

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I hold a naval Architect Degree from Pretoria University and have been working in this field for over 5 years.

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