Damaged Ship

How To Tell If A Shipping Company Is Fraud?

There are many shipping jobs that you will find online. You might have applied to some of them too. Shipping is a profession that you can pursue from any part of the world. This gives you an international opportunity. This may seem to be a [...]
Properties of Sea Water

Kids Stuff: Sea Water Facts

This topic might seem a bit too easy for marine engineers or navigating officers. Yet these could prove useful for fresher seamen or the kids of sailors who would like to know about it. Some Interesting Sea Water Facts The earth was initially [...]
Deep Sea Treasures

Are There Treasures Hidden In Sea?

In the olden days ships was the only means of transport between continents as airplanes were not known. The navigation system at that time was not very effective. The ships were made of wood. All these reasons combined and there were many ships [...]
Isolated Workplace @ North Pole

Extreme Jobs: Weatherman @ North Pole

Solitude is mostly a subject matter of discussion under philosophy and spirituality but you might be wondering what is this topic doing at a site related to marine engineering. Well you will find out soon as you know that life has different [...]

Yachts: Luxurious Sailing Boats

 The word yacht is not something new to read. The yacht world has always been associated with luxury, style and romance. The credit for romanticizing the vessel not only goes to novels and movies but also to the vessel itself. There is something [...]
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