INS Kolkata, a destroyer meant to maintain peace in the region, was officially inducted in the Indian Navy fleet by prime minister Narendra Modi on 16th August 2014. The best thing about this vessel is that it has been built within the country itself at Mazagon Docks Limited. Defense minister Arun Jaitley was also present at the occasion and congratulated the nation.
Delayed But Delivered
Although the keel of the ship was laid in 2003 and the initial plans were to commission the ship by 2010, there were some delays due to different reasons and finally in 2014 the target was achieved. There are a few minor things which are still left to be done but they are also hoped to be completed soon.
The warship is to be equipped with LRSAM or Long Range Surface to Air Missile which will increase the range and attack capacity of the ship. This missile is being jointly developed by India and Israel, and should be available for installation after the trials take place towards the end of the year.
The ship is 6800 tonnes having two main guns, and it intended to have a SONAR which is still under development by DRDO. It is hoped that it will add a lot of muscle power to the Indian Navy though its purpose is not to intimidate any other nation but just to ensure that peace reigns supreme in the region.

The oceans will now be much safer from the enemies who wont dare
It will be a great help for the Naval forces who protect the oceans and care
Although it is named the destroyer yet it is there so that peace it can ensure
We dont have any malafide intentions, but only aim to protect everyone, thoughts noble and pure
Yet strength is necessary else the evil forces might threaten and come to the fore
With such vessels and weapons we can answer if need be and make them sore
Although fighting is no alternative for any problem in the world but only talks
Yet sometimes there has to be a backup, along with the peace walks
Let us be pride of this achievement, for the ship was built entirely on our soil
This is certainly a proof that anything can be done, if you are ready to toil
Jai Hind…..
INS Kolkata Joins Indian Navy Fleet,