
Tips For A Long Voyage

Ships can be a good option to go on a long holiday. You will be away from the crowd and in the middle of the deep blue ocean. Ship voyages are not meant for all. It is mostly taken by those who just want to relax and have a laid back vacation. The cruise ships have now introduced many activities that can keep you busy. If you have decided to go on a long ship voyage then there are some tips that you must keep in mind. We will discuss the tips for a long voyage in this article. This article is not for mariners. It is for common people who want to take up a long voyage.

Long Voyage Tips

Long Voyage Tips

1. If you are a first timer then start with a voyage that will last you few days. This will give you a better idea of how long a voyage you can take. You will understand how the sea suits you. It will also give you a chance to understand if you suffer from any sea sickness. This is very essential in a long voyage. It is possible that you develop a sea sickness. If you do so you must report the same to the crew and get all the required medication. You can also consult your doctor and carry some medicines with you when you are on a voyage. There is no harm carrying the medicines. You must be completely aware of the symptoms that the sea sickness generally has. Only when you know the symptoms can you handle them better. If you have children or older people travelling with you. Then you must be extra careful.

2. The second in the list of the tips for a long voyage is that you must carry essential things. As you are in the sea you will not be able to get all that you need. You must carry a good stock of medicines, shampoo, soap, sun screen, oil, etc. As you may need them anytime. Anything that you need on a day today basis must be taken. This becomes a very essential point when you have babies with you. You can compromise on clothes. You will get a good laundry facility in the ship. Your clothes can be washed regularly. If you carry too many clothes you may not find enough places to keep them. This is because the rooms in a ship are generally very small. If you stuff it with too many luggage you will not have enough space to move around.

3. The third point about tips for a long voyage is on cash. Many people often ask how much cash they should carry on a ship. Well you can carry some cash. Don’t take too much of cash as thefts are common in a ship. Ensure that your cash and valuables are always with you when you are on a ship. There are many services in a ship that you will have to pay for. You can carry cash accordingly for these purposes. You can ask some friends who have gone on a ship about the amount of cash that you must take. This will help you to get a better picture. You can also use your cards in some cruises. You can find this out from the cruise organizer.

4. Alcohol is not allowed to be taken in a cruise. The fourth point in the tips for a long voyage is about alcohol. If you are caught with some extra alcohol your bottles might be seized. In the ships extra alcohol is prohibited keeping the safety of the guests in mind. People can drink in excess and later meet with accidents. Causalities in a ship can become very serious. The crew members do serve alcohol but they do so in very limited quantity. So don’t try to sneak in any alcohol into the ship. If you have managed to take extra alcohol then don’t consume it. Too much of alcohol can be very dangerous for you when you are in the sea.

5. Tips for a long voyage must discuss about things that you should not take. The ships are like hotels in the sea. Some of them are like five star hotels. You don’t need to carry towels, bedding’s and other such things into the sea. The lighter your luggage is the better it will be for you. You will get laundry service and there will be iron in every room. So please don’t carry anything to do with laundry and iron. Many people often carry formal suits and gowns into the ships. These are required if there are some formal evenings arranged by the ships. Else you might not need to carry this heavy stuff and increase your luggage. In some ships you can also take a tux on hire. This reduces your luggage. There are a lot of essential things that you will have to carry when on a ship so try to avoid unnecessary stuff.

6. The last tip in the list of the tips for a long voyage is about how to kill time on a long cruise. When you are on a very long voyage you will soon get bored of the sea. The cruise will have activities to explore but you cannot be involved in activities all the time. Always ensure that you carry something for your hobby. You can travel with a book or with a guitar. Anything that will help you unwinds and relaxes better. This can be a great help in a cruise. Else you may feel very lonely. If you have company then the situation can be different. Still you may need some me time. It is a great place to practice yoga.

We hope that this article on tips for a long voyage will help you to enjoy a cruise better. These are simple tips that you can follow when you go on a long voyage. Ship voyages can be a little dull but with these tips you can make it more interesting.

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