Life On A Ship

Tips To Maintain Fresh Mind On Ship

When you are on board ship and all that you see around is the sea (water) it can possibly make you depressed. We will now give you some tips that can help you to deal with this situation at sea. These tips are useful both for the mariners who [...]
Marine Job Sites

5 Good Seafarer Job Sites

The seafarer jobs are highly in demand as many people across the world want to make a career in the merchant navy. We also have an article comparing land vs sea jobs, if you would like to read it. If you are also looking for a good job in the [...]

Difference Between Astronauts & Seafarers

It is interesting to compare two extreme professions. We will now in this article compare the astronauts and the seafarers. We will discuss the difference between astronauts and seafarers. It is true that both the professions are amazingly different. [...]
Day of the Seafarer

Day Of The Seafarer 2013

As we approach the “Day of The Seafarer” once again, I am reminded of all the excitement we had in our team during the Seafarers Day 2012 when we collaborated with Karine Langlois to contribute our 2 cents to the massive online campaign [...]
Cruise Ship Passengers

Tips To Remain Healthy On Cruise Ships

Mariners i.e. people working on ships in a professional capacity, are a class apart and they endure long periods of isolated stay in the oceans, away from humanity, serving their responsibilities to the best of their ability. They make it possible [...]
Ship Stability

Ship Stability Quiz

Take this quiz to find out how much you know about ship stability VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Was This Post Useful?please wait...Rating: 10.0/10 (2 votes cast)VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Rating: +3 (from 3 votes)
Ocean Upwelling System

Interesting Marine Technology: Ocean Upwelling System

With the advancements in science, even the marine technology has seen a lot of improvements. We will now discuss the ocean unwilling system in detail. This is one of the latest new technologies that are used in the marine world. We all know [...]

Types Of Cargoes Transported In Ships

Ships carry most of the cargoes around the world. It is the pillar on which the world trade depends on. Have you ever wondered, what are the goods that the ships generally carry from one country to another? We will discuss the types of cargoes [...]
Ship Building Process

Ship Building Process Explained

Marine engineers, navigating officers and other staff working on ships are mostly concerned about day to day operations and even though they are very familiar with their jobs, yet there is an aspect of ship life which does not involve the onboard [...]
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