fire extinguisher quiz

Fire Extinguishers Quiz

Take this quiz on fire extinguishers Fire Quiz The wooden sofa in your ship cabin is under fire. Which is the category of fire under which this falls Class A Class B [...]
Types of Fire Extinguishers

Types Of Fire Extinguishers On Ships

Fire is one the most dangerous events that could happen to a ship. A fire can occur either at a port or even during sailing at sea. Fire extinguishers are one of the equipment used to control fire on board ships and there are different types [...]
Unsinkable Ships

Unsinkable Ships: Role Of Bulkhead Doors

It has always been a dream of naval architects and marine engineers to make an unsinkable ship that would never sink. Every year a lot of mariners lose their life to accidents at sea. The experts made many ships in the past that they claimed [...]
First Female Captain India

First Female Captain Of India

Women are not very easily seen in the merchant navy. However, over the last few years the trend has changed. Many women are now taking up jobs in navy. Today there are about fifty women working in the Indian merchant navy itself. There are [...]
Port of Hamburg

Surge in Russian Traffic via Hamburg

The country of Russia is the second and perhaps the most important trading partner for Hamburg. This data is for the containers. The port has the ability to handle about seven lakh containers. However, in 2012 the container traffic has increased [...]
Flooding of Emma Maersk

Flooding Of Emma Maersk

On 25th February 2013 the container ship Emma Maersk arrived at the port of Palermo. It was completely disabled at the time of arrival. This is because the engine room of the Emma Maersk was completely flooded. The situation was so bad that [...]
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