
Tourist Port At Murmansk

The latest buzz is that the port authorities are inventing around twenty million euros to reconstruct the passenger port at Murmansk. This is a plan that will give a major facelift to the Murmansk waterfront. This has been a long plan which will now be executed finally. There have been a lot of tenders received for this prestigious project. The tenders that have been received by the Federal port agency of Rosmorport say that this will be an expensive and prestigious project. The facelift will be costing about twenty million euros. However, when the Murmansk port is rebuilt it will attract a lot of tourists and will also become economically prominent.

The Federal port agency of Rosmorport also says that the winners of the tenders received will be announced sometime in early April. That will be the first major step towards the rebuilding of the Murmansk port. Today the port is basically used as a passenger port. It takes passengers from the Kola bay area to the many towns that are situated in the Barents Sea coast. The expertsdo belive that rebuilding the Murmanskport will upgrade the central waterfront area. The facelift of the Murmansk port will be completed by 2016. This is the expected timeline. The actual date may exceed. This will be the one hundredth anniversary of the city.

If the new Murmansk port is launched at the occasion of the city completing one hundred years then it will be even more special. The Murmansk city is also looking at a new seaside. This will be more attractive than the present one. This seaside will include cruise liners and floating museums. These additions will attract a lot of tourists. Murmansk is expecting that these additions will attract foreign flagged passenger vessels. In 2012 about nine foreign flagged vessels announced their travel to Murmansk.

The biggest challenge for Murmansk to get foreign flagged ships is the fact that current legislations don’t allow the entry of these vessels into the main harbour. In the central harbour only Russian vessels are permitted to enter. The authorities say that with the reconstruction of the Murmansk port this scene will change forever. Foreign flagged cruise ships will definitely be allowed in the Murmansk port. This will attract more tourists as Murmansk port is considered to be a beauty. With the new seaside the Murmansk port will definitely become a tourist hotspot.

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