The ROR or the navigation rules of the road are the signs that the mariners need to study and understand in order to have a smooth sail. They are trained in these concepts. We will now discuss the navigation rules of the road in more details.
The navigation rules of the road are a set of rules that are laid down by the IMO (International Maritime Organization). For example when you learn driving on the road, you are told the meaning of certain signs. Similarly in the sea there are some signs that are followed for communication and all the ships at the sea should follow these rules. These are known as the navigation rules of the road. This is to ensure that a standard is maintained and all the ships understand the same.
There are inland water ways that are made by the country itself. There are coastal water ways and there are the international navigation rules that all must follow when they are at the high sea. The coastal and the inland rules may vary from country to country but international rule should remain the same.
Before the rules existed there would be a lot of confusion and misunderstanding as the different countries had different rules that needed to be followed. However, with time the situations changed. Now all follow the same rules. This is exactly why sailing has become a much smoother operation. Every ship must carry a copy of these rules. All the sailors in the ship must know the rules well.
Each law and regulation that that has been framed is supported with case studies to explain the concepts better. The sailors are expected to know all these details. These rules are like the law. Anyone who breaks these laws is punishable.
The captain of the ship must ensure that the crew members understand the rules. This is exactly why the navigation rules of the road are a part of the training that every mariner takes. The navigation rules of the road explain who should give way and who should stand on. These explanations are very useful when there is a collision in the water. These navigation rules of the road also play a vital role when a collision happens and the investigation is on.
The navigation rules of the road states that when two ships are approaching each other in high speed then both should be prepared to give way otherwise there will be a collision. In such a case no vessel has the right of way. These simple rules have played a very vital role in the international navigation.
They have ensured that the ships follow a standard when they are on the high sea. It is very important that all mariners and all the shipping companies of the world are aware of the navigation rules of the road. It is also important that the navigation rules of the road are explained to the crew members from time to time. We hope you now do have a good idea about what navigation rules of the road are all about.
We also have a short timed ROR Quiz on our website in case you would like to test your knowledge on topic.
Navigation Rules Of The Road,