
Sulzer Diesel Engines

Sulzer Diesel Engines

Sulzer Diesel Engines

Diesel engines are widely used in ships. Well if you have ever seen a ship engine you will know how huge it actually is. It is not only huge but also very complex. There are very few companies in the world who specialise in making a ship engine. One such company is the Sulzer. We will in this article discuss more on the Sulzer diesel engines.

Sulzer started way back in 1834. It is a Switzerland based company. It has now opened branches all over the world. This is exactly why they have more employees around the globe than in Switzerland itself. They manufacture many things and one of it is the ship engine.

The ship engines have a lot of specifications that they need to meet. There are many environmental regulations that have limited an emission level for these engines. Apart from these specifications they also need to meet the requirement of the shipping companies. The shipping companies are looking at engines that are fuel efficient and also generate good power. These points all combined together make ship engine designing and manufacturing a challenge.

Well Sulzer diesel engines have been making ship engine for years that are efficient on fuel consumptions and are also environmental friendly. It has many series of engines that it has launched in the past. We will try to discuss some of the most popular ones. First on the list is the RD series. It is perhaps the oldest engine series that were ever launched by Sulzer. These engines were equipped with rotary exhaust valves. These have become more of antiques and cannot be seen in today’s ships any more. However, in the years when It was launched it was definitely one of its kind and were very popular.

The next that we are going to discuss is the RND series in the list of Sulzer diesel engines. This was the most popular engine designs that Sulzer ever came up with. The most special feature of these engines was that they did not have any exhaust valves. The engine could produce more power than any other engine that was available in the market at that time. No wonder it became a popular choice for all.

The next in the list of Sulzer diesel engines is the RTA series as it is popularly known as. It is very commonly found and used in the modern day ships. We will now discuss why. It is a modern design engine that is fitted with exhaust valves. It like all other popular engines consumes less fuel and generates more power. These engines have three fuel valves in one cylinder. Making it a very effective Sulzer diesel engine and it is also a market leader.

The Sulzer diesel engines are made by engineers who are specially trained for this job. The research and development that happens in Sulzer is also a world class one. This is exactly why they have satisfied clients all over the world. The last series of engine in the Sulzer diesel engines is the RT flex series. It is the latest launch from Sulzer. It is definitely a class apart from all the previous series that were ever launched by the company. It has the maximum possible automations installed in it. It also has a common rail fuel injection method that is a fully integrated electronic system in itself. The engine is also fitted with a high performing computer that eliminates fuel pump, chain drive, etc. This is exactly why these ship engines don’t need high maintenance. This is what makes these ship engines so popular in the shipping industry. More and more ships across the world have started to use these engines. I hope you have by now got a good idea of Sulzer diesel engines. They are leading the ship engine designing for years and now you know exactly how and why.

The Sulzer diesel engines are indeed one of the most popular ship engines that the world has ever seen. They have a class of their own. The quality is absolutely unparallel and the best part is that most of them are very fuel efficient. They have been ruling the ship engine industry for years and we are sure that they will continue to do so.

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