
How To Prevent Corrosion In Sea Structures?

Corrosion is a slow process by which metal gets rusted with time due to humidity in the air. The metal as a result becomes brittle and falls apart. Corrosion can happen anywhere but near sea shores and places where these are more humidity in the air the process is faster. Learn how to prevent corrosion in sea structures and methods deployed to minimize the same. To read about ship corrosion prevention, click on this article.

how to prevent corrosion

Corrosion in Sea Structures

This corrosion happens on metal parts that are near the sea or the off shore platforms that are placed in the sea. Any metal must be protected so that it does not corrode. We will now in this article discuss more about how to prevent the same.

Steel jackets are used to support the production equipment and are generally located at the top of the platform. This is exactly why these have the maximum chances to get affected by corrosion.

This is why they must be protected. The protection is given by painting them regularly. The areas that are directly exposed to the water are fitted with anodes so that the corrosion can be minimized  A non ferrous substance is used to spray on this metal so that these can be protected.

On the production decks in oil platform paint is applied to prevent corrosion. This paint is similar to those that are applied on the steel jackets. The only difference is that these are not slippery as a result they don’t effect production. The production deck is in constant touch with sea water and due to people working on them regularly the corrosion is more here.

The paints that are used are mostly zinc based. Rubber binding compounds are also used wherever possible to ensure that the corrosion is minimised. The status of the painting must be reviewed from time to time. If there is any discrepancy then immediately they must be painted. Supervision on the off shore decks is very important.

The anode plates are attached to the steel structures by wielding as a result they can ensure that the steel plates are always safe and can be protected from corrosion. The cathodic protection is applied to the steel plates. The electrons are removed from the zinc and placed back into the sea water. These are also called sacrificial anodes. Urethane coating is provided to avoid corrosion this is a very effective and popular method.

With technology more and more methods are being invented to protect the steel plates and avoid corrosion in the off shore plants. Spraying molten aluminium on the platforms can ensure that there is not much corrosion that happens. The steel that is used to build these platforms are mild steel rolled plates that are tubular in shape are attached together by wielding these avoid corrosion and helps in the better maintenance of the platform.

Apart from all the methods that we have mentioned it is important for the people working on these platforms to check from time to time the condition of the platform. They should also do regular audits and keep a record of how the steel plates are changing with time. We don’t say that these methods can completely protect the platform from corrosion. What we are trying to say here is that by implementing these the process can be slowed down to a great extent.

I hope you have now got a clear idea of how to prevent corrosion in sea structures. This will help you understand how harmful corrosion can be and how they can be prevented for the better maintenance of the off shore platforms. This is even more important as these platforms produce gas and petrol so in case there is some accident the consequences can be harmful for marine live too.

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