
The Haptics Of Engine Room Watchkeeping

Engine Room Watch-keeping Duties: Temperatures & the Sense of Touch is a very vital concept in shipping. It is a very important duty that helps the engineers in taking vital decisions about the ship. What it basically says it that relying [...]
Duties After Pilot Departure

Duties After Pilot Departure

There are many technicalities that are involved in running a ship. We will tell you about the duties after pilot departure today. When the ship is out of the port the marine engineers have a lot of tasks to be done as the pilots are gone. The [...]

Ship Watchkeeping Engineer Duties: Auxiliary Machinery

Ship watch keeping is an important job that we all know. If the job is not done well then it can lead to many problems and issues. We will now discuss about Ship Watchkeeping Engineer Duties Regarding Auxiliary Equipment. Well a ship watch keeper [...]
Ship Flooding Emergency Procedures

Ship Flooding Emergency Procedures

Ship Flooding Emergency Procedures is a very important part of a ships emergency literature. It is available at all areas of the ship from the deck to the engine room, it is there everywhere. This is to ensure that all the crew members in the [...]

Maritime Accidents: Is Complacency A Culprit?

Safety on the ship has always been a very important area of concern for the shipping companies. The statistical data prove that a lot of maritime accidents happen due to human error. We will now in this article discuss the role of complacency [...]

Shipping Ports: A Qualitative Overview

Ports as we all know are nothing but a parking zone for the ships. They ensure that the ships are safe and get all the technical support that is needed to get the ships back on form. This is exactly why they become so important both commercially [...]

Rising Sea Level Effects: Are We In Danger?

The sea level all across the world is rising due to the effects of global warming. We all are aware of this. The major port cities are the first in the list as they are very close to the sea and these rising water level are affecting them fast [...]

Ship Lifeboats: Marine Safety Equipment

Marine engineering and life of the seamen at the sea has taken some great twists and turns in the past. We are now going to discuss about the basic life saving gadgets that one uses when in sea. These are made compulsory by SOLAS (saving of [...]
Magnetic Anomaly in the Gulf of Aden - Real or Not

Gulf Of Aden: The Magnetic Anomaly

There are many mysteries that exist on earth. Today we are going to discuss one such mystery that is the magnetic anomaly in the Gulf of Aden. It can be explained by science as to how it happened and why the properties are so different. Some [...]
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