Some consider history of marine boilers or boilers as a whole as being one of the oldest and richest, and also one that has been well preserved even with the development of new technologies that as yet to replace the boiler in the 21st century. They were the first form of artificial force that was harnessed to produce locomotion, but evolved to play a vital role in many different industries globally.
They were initially stationary and produced

motion and force that would be used to run stationary machinery such as floor grinding mills and well pumps. This was the stepping stone and soon enterprising individual soon found ways of fitting these boiler and steam engine systems on movable carriages to propel them instead of horses.
The history of marine boilers began around the early 1800s when they were introduced on board shipping vessels with the sole purpose of propulsion but soon the potentials of the marine boilers were realized and soon marine boilers were being installed for different purposes on vessels. The marine boilers were being modified in both shape and size to suite different purposes but the main operation system has remained the same for over 2 centuries and there is no predation of any changes to be seen in the future either.
Although the design has changed and so has the fuels used in the boilers burners, they integrated in to almost each vessel with sole purpose of supplying hot steam under pressure to different part of the ship where it can be used for different purposes that would require warmth or constant heating. Especially venerable vessels are the ones that sail above the tropic or near the poles. They need to maintain heating to avoid fuel and water from thickening or freezing and leading to mayhem on the vessel. For this reason most of the vessels pipeline whether fuel, water or gas require having a steam pipe that run in-between them and insulation applied around them to help maintain the temperature at a level above freezing.
Boilers aboard these vessels must be operational 24/7 and many vessels have a stand by boiler in case there is a problem with the main boiler. These marine boilers are used on board many vessel including oil tankers where the steam is sent through piping that runs inside the crude tanks to supply a steady stream of heat and raising the oils temperature thus reducing the viscosity of the oil. Less viscosity means that the oil is runnier and could drain easier leaving less residue in the storage tanks.
The history of marine boilers remains in the making as marine vessel still use them as an integral part of many operations on board many ships ship were generators and other heating systems have proven to be costlier and less effective than the marine boiler. Designs and fuels used in the boilers are expected to change in the future but the purpose will remain the same and boilers will maintain the purpose they where initial built for which is boiling water and making steam under pressure that can be harnessed to do various different work.
History of Marine Boilers,