What Are Seafarers

What Are Seafarers?

Many people ask what are seafarers, yet the answer is simple but complicated for the common person who has no experience of marine knowledge and terminologies. A seafarer is a sailor or crew member on board any marine vessel that sails over [...]
Lifeboat Conversions

Life Boat Conversions

Life boat conversion is a hobby which is not only constrained on marine vessels but actually originated on land based locomotives that where converted to perform different tasks than they were originally build for. Originally they solely were [...]
Infant Life Jackets

Infant Life Jackets

Many people haven’t heard of infant life jackets but they are common and part of the safety equipment onboard each cruise ship or common passages vessel like ferries or private boats. Most live vest seen on Hollywood movies are usually for [...]
Man Pumps Gas in Wrong Hole in Boat

Man Pumps Gas in Wrong Hole in Boat

It is quite common to hear that a man pumps gas in wrong hole in boat, car or trucks, inexperience is the main cause of these incidents that could be life threatening if not detected in time. Boats carry higher risk since substantial quantities [...]
Gas Carrier Safety Precautions

Gas Carrier Safety Precautions

Marine Gas carrier safety precautions are perhaps the most intensive in the shipping industry, the hazardous cargo these vessels carry are highly explosive material that is considered potentially dangerous to crew of the vessel and other vessel. [...]
History of Antique Marine Engines

History of Antique Marine Engines

The history of antique marine engines in itself carries a rich history, both have carried major significance over the decades as engine design changed but enthusiastic individuals retained a love or admiration for the engine that had been built [...]
Fire Dept Marine Division

Fire Department Marine Division

In the eyes of a marine officer the fire dept marine division may be one of the most important branches in marine safety to both the commercial and military marine vessel that sail any route. Articles concerned with marine vessel fires have [...]
Rebuilt Marine Engines

Rebuilt Marine Engines

Rebuilt marine engines have been available for vessels to purchase since the manufacture of engines began over two centuries ago, rebuilt marines steam engines as well as diesel engines were both rebuilt and kept ready by engineers nearby harbors [...]
Dual Fuel Marine Engines

Dual Fuel Marine Engines

Though not very common dual fuel marine engines are specifically built to be able to run on two or so different types of fuels, these engines are slightly differently built to be able to run on these different fuels that have different combustion [...]
EU Crisis

EU Crisis Threatens Bangladesh Shipping Industry

The current crisis unfolding the Brussels could see a decline in the imports to many EU members as the crisis seems to have no solution in sight. With the threat of the euro being dissolved many south Asian countries that export textile products [...]
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