Maritime travel was in the past used as the main form of transport from one continent to the next, since airplanes were not developed at the time, o century ago most long distance passenger travel was on marine vessels which ferried people across from Europe to Asia, America, Africa and other destination as well as transport them back. After the mass production of air craft that could cross the Atlantic and India Ocean safely, maritime travel passengers began to change their mode of transportation with most choosing the air since it was faster at the time and has gradually become cheaper to travel by air compared to maritime travel.

Today maritime travel has been left the holiday makers, leisure seekers and people seeking asylum in countries that have strict immigration rules, thus trying to sail the seas to reach the countries undetected by the immigration department who would strait away send them home if they arrived of commercial vessels.
Many people don’t really understand what is require or problems that can be encounters while on maritime travel and many suddenly find themselves facing these problems head on in the high seas. Sea sickness is the first difficulty people face when they venture out to sea on their maiden trip, since our bodies are not used to the constant rocking of the waves many people begin to vomit loosing precious water from their bodies. The trip could take any were from 2 8 weeks depending on the vessel and the weather, weather conditions pose the next set of challenges for unequipped maritime travel passengers while out at sea.
These are common problems that most will face

while on maritime travel since the conditions resemble each other whether the vessel is big, small or luxurious. The conditions may not be announced by the travel agent organizing the trip but the traveler must research concerning these difficulties on his own. The best maritime travel companies try to reduce these effects on holiday goers by maintaining routes that remain relatively close to mainland and make frequent stops to help passengers slowly adjust to the sea conditions while having breaks on land to comfort them.
Today maritime travel is not constrained to time frames or fixed destinations with cruise ship companies offering a range of cruise rough that will keep travelers occupied during the whole trip with frequent stops. For the commercial vessels the job much resemble the old days when bad weather and other obstacles where a day to day concern while out at sea. For the crew of commercial vessels this also falls under maritime travels since they are also travelling in marine vessels out at sea for long periods of time.
Marine safety has greatly improved in the past two decade but even having the best instruments to maintain vessels stability and safety there is no gadget that can help overcome these problems that people face initially while on maritime travel. Over time, sea sickness slowly fades of but if a person is not prepared and in on a holiday one may always curse maritime travel unaware that the symptoms of sea sickness fade of as a person gains more experience out at sea, so the next time you plan on going on maritime travel do consider researching more on the topic to avoid having a bad maritime travel experience while on holiday.