

MARPOL is the convention that was put in place to minimize pollution from ships and marine vessels. It was first implemented in 1973 and a protocol later modified it in 1978. MARPOL is short for “Marine Pollution.” It was designed to minimize [...]

Sailors: The People Out At Sea

Sailors, Mariners, or Seamen are people that navigate or assist in navigation and operations on board water borne vessels. The term sailor could mean professional mariner military personnel or recreational sailing. The name is derived from the [...]

Gas Detection and Measurement

To maintain safety conditions during marine tanker operation, gas detection, and measurement is important for the vessel and its personnel safety. The main requirements to check on the safety are as follows: i.        Checking and maintaining [...]

Other Cargo Tankers

It is common that many civilians associate the term tankers with oil and oil products, but this is not the case and there are other cargo tankers that specialize in transporting different commodities. To create more awareness on this topic, [...]
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