
Online Marine Talent Contest #1

In this debut online marine talent contest, participants will be required to answer 10 questions from different sections within this website. The person who scores the highest shall be eligible for US$ 1000.00. Participants are required to search for the right answers to each question by determining which section of the website contains the desired answer. After completion of all questions please forward your answers to Contest department:

Our email Id Niteshamit@marine-knowledge.com

Write all your answers and a format for answering has been provided below:
1. Answer – Section name – writer name
2. Answer – Section name – writer name
3. and so on………………………………………….

Question list:
1. What is the name of the world’s biggest oil tanker built as of November 2008?
2. What is the title given to the person in charge of communication aboard sea/ ocean vessels?
3. Name 3 categories that Diesel engines are classified under?
4. Name the two categories that waste water produced by ships is classified into?
5. What is the name of the Swiss engineer who was the inventor of first turbo charger?
6. What is the name given to vessels used to lay marine pipelines?
7. What is the full form of FPSO?
8. The language used to decode telegraph messages is known as ………….?
9. Which color code symbolizes steam in ship pipelines?
10. List 4 effects ship grounding can have (effect on what? Is it environment or the ship etc)?

There are 10 questions in total. You can answer as many or as less as you want. Send your answers to the above email ID for marking and remember to keep the format as shown. The talent contest last receiving date will be 15th March 2013. All applicants received after this date shall be discarded. The winner shall be selected by 30th March. and contacted through email. In case of multiple winners there shall be a lucky draw to determine a single winner.

With these few words I leave you to the contest and may the best person win

Thank you.

For & On Behalf Of
(Marine Knowledge Editorial Board)

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