Morse code was a type of language that was developed to communicate over long distances. It was developed by Samuel. F B Morse in order to make his telegraph communicable to different people of the world. to learn the morse code a series of click sounds must be learned, that are used to decode or create a message sent via telegraph. It was first put in to use in 1836. Later the system was up graded, and instead of clicks it had a pointer that pointed to different alphabets on a chart.

It is more of a challenge than a learning experience to learn Morse code. Like a foreign language it takes considerable time, effort and dedication to master to technique. But with determination anybody can learn anything. It’s a well known that learning anything is faster when done practically. And in today’s world, full of technology there are several ways to learn, practice and perfect Morse code decoding. In the past it was confined to listening to telegraphs only but audio cassettes, CD, DVD and more recently the internet have made it easier to learn Morse code.
The most effective way of learning Morse code is by first listening to the codes as they play. Starting with alphabetical letters than words and once you can hear the words than automatically the sentences will follow. Every one has his own way of learning with some choosing to use charts and other not too, but the rule remains the same all must learn the sound representing each letter. This is the most crucial part of learning Morse code. Only after you have mastered each sound can you move to the next level. At this level you have now learned the sounds of each letter and can identify them randomly. At this stage you will start decoding words. This stage is a little harder, since the learner has to decode the whole word in a short time. In most cases the first letter of the word is found easily with more difficulty faced with letters that follow. This is because there is a pattern that is used with the spacing or gaping of each letter in a word. This level takes most patience and time until the learner learns the pattern involved in the decoding. (Source 1)
English alphabet and Roman numeral are recognized and used in the international morse code but other languages with more or fewer alphabets have there own Morse codes. Communication between counties is usually relayed from station to station using international code and finally translated to local Morse code on arrival at regional places. Militaries also have there own different Morse codes in order to keep secrecy while sending messages to troops on ground, they create there own codes which are mastered by military telegraph operators. They have several different codes that can be used incase one code is compromised.
Morse code is not constricted only to clicking sounds but is also used by navel vessels to send signals to other ships or light houses by using light instead of sound. This is done because boats and ships cannot have a cable attached to them while sailing. So they resort to flashing beams of light to other vessels and light house and port to give information about there vessel, name, place come from among other information. It was also used to identify different locations along the coast incases ships arrived in darkness. The signal S.O.S (save our souls) was made famous by the morse code it was transmitted by vessels or people who needed help or were stranded and were in danger of death. This signal is still in use today.

Today the Morse code has been abandoned for easier and faster modes of communication but was the leading communication device of the late 1800s. It is still in use but mostly used by people who practice Morse code as a hobby or for fun.
Source 1- book- Breaking the barrier by Dave Finely.