
South Tyneside College

Author: Ricky

The South Tyneside College, formerly known as the Marine and Technical College, is located in South Tyneside in North East England and has its main sites in the cities of South Shields and Hebburn. With an array of courses in all possible professional fields for adults and young students alike, it serves as the perfect launch pad for professionals who are ready to take on the world. The college was founded by Dr. Thomas Winetrbottom who served as a Surgeon General in Sierra Leone. Over 17,000 students join the college every year from within the country and the world over. The college is committed to promoting learning which helps realize the dreams and hopes of all students who join it.

Courses Available

These 17,000 students are enrolled in South Tyneside College in part time as well as in full time programs and in courses which are spread over :Accounting, Administration, Business, Engineering, Hospitality, Languages, Beauty, Management, Teaching. Marine Engineering has been one of the most popular courses run by the college. The college also offers courses for 16 to 18 years olds wanting to better their skills in Mathematics and English. These are undertaken with the objective of not only helping the students acquire the necessary life skills but also enhance their level of confidence. Training Programs for employees are a unique concept in themselves. The college continuously evolves new courses and streams to provide the latest according to the demands of the industries. Infact recently the college got one of the highest fundings in recent times which you can also check out in our news section

Facilities in the College

The college concentrates on the holistic development of its students. It has a Students Service Team for helping students fund their education and manage the expenses in the best possible manner. The college houses a 360 bed hostel with rooms available on single and shared basis. A variety of activities are planned during the Fresher’s Week, which allows new students to assimilate with the old students. The Enrichment Programs allow new students to meet each other across the campus. The college also makes sure that additional support is available for students with learning problems. With a students body the interests of the students are adequately represented. The students organize a number of events the year round. A Learning Resource Center ensures that the students have access to computers, latest software and internet access. The on the campus childcare center provides free childcare and paid childcare services for students with children.

Marine Education in South Tyneside College

Marine Education in South Tyneside College is world renowned for its quality. The teaching staff hails from Merchant Navy background and has ample experience and skills in teaching. Practical experience adds an edge to the teaching process and methodology. The various courses are undertaken in collaboration with world class institutes and professional associations like AMET University, Applied Research International, B.P. Marine Academy, Commander Ali’s Academy of Merchant Navy, Royal Yachting Association. The college offers Degree level, Higher National Diploma and Certificate Courses in various streams like Engineering, Catering, Leisure, Nautical Studies, Officer Training, and Tanker Safety. The infrastructure used by the college for imparting education is world class and offers real life training to a great extent. A world class Marine Simulation Department, an integrated Engine Room, Workstation Rooms, a VTS Simulator, an equipped Navigation Aid Laboratory offer practical training and experience to its students. The college also boosts of a Marine Safety Training Center providing complete infrastructure for training covering environmental pool, escape through helicopters and jetty. The college is equipped with a computer lab that offers internet access to its students. The college is a landmark in the field of education. The staff, the curriculum, the infrastructure all are world class ensuring that when the students step out after completing their education they are accepted as professionals in their respective fields. The following email ids will be useful for students willing to enroll at the college Engineering Department – engine@stc.ac.uk

Navigation or Nautical Department – nadmin@stc.ac.uk

NB – The author is an alumni of the college, though does not officially represent the college for admission purposes but any queries are welcome

City and Surroundings

Apart from being a major hub of marine education and the center for South Tyneside College, the city of South Shields has a lot to offer in terms of natural beauty as well. Being surrounded by Tyne river on one side and the North Sea on the other, the city offers a picturesque view of nature. Given below are two images which show the solitary lighthouse overlooking the North Sea while the other picture shows the ferry which can transport you from South Shields to North Shields and vice-versa.

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