Before we check out how to learn morse code and translate the sign language into useful information for human beings, let us first begin with a brief history of the…
The importance of search and rescue patterns is relevant since not matter how ever developed our means may of transportation may get, the possibility of an emergency arising due to…
The ship is a huge vessel that floats in the open sea. We have often seen ships being caught in bad weather. Have you ever wondered how a ship maintains…
The ROR or the navigation rules of the road are the signs that the mariners need to study and understand in order to have a smooth sail. They are trained…
Sextant is a device that was mostly used in the olden days by the mariners to find their route at sea for navigation guidance. They would trace the stars and…
Many youngsters out there want to become a deck officer as a profession. We will now in this article give you a slight insight into the life and the duties…
Marine radios have played a major continual role ever since the days of the Morse code and continue to bridge the communication gap between sailors and people on land even…
Oil tanker routes are relatively fixed in the same way that dry cargo, grain carriers or container vessels maintain shipping route. Many shipping companies have several different vessels which are…
The Gift of the Nile crosses through probably some of the most hostile African nations. Beginning from Victoria and also the highlands of Ethiopian, Nile cruise ship records provide the…
China has been the only permanent member of UN Security Council without an aircraft carrier. The acquisition of aircraft carrier by China has various reasons behind it which still remains…