A question that mariners often ask is, can mariners immigrate to Australia? We will in this article try to discuss this issue with more details.
I hope this will help you to understand the issue of immigration better. Well you can immigrate to Australia as a mariner.
There is a high demand for mariners in the continent of Australia.
This is exactly why a lot of mariners from the different parts of the world often apply. You will have to be physically fit and mentally prepared to move into Australia. There are some interviews and tests that you may have to appear for before are selected into an Australian shipping company.
Australia has a huge number of mariners who have emigrated from various parts of the world. The life in Australia is good. The country is beautiful and even the people of the country are friendly in nature. The country is doing economically well. There is very less political disturbance in the country. All these points club together and make Australia one of the best countries to live in the world.
As a mariner in Australia you can expect a good life. You will get paid well. You can also get a good career opportunity to grow. This is because the country of Australia has a lot of shipping lines working for it. There are lot of tourists who visit Australia to enjoy its scenic beauty. They too prefer cruise. This is exactly why there are lot of luxury cruises in Australia. You are welcome to join any type of shipping line that you want to.
Australia is a huge country. It has the biggest coastal line in the world. It is basically a huge island and is covered with sea from all the sides. This is exactly why they have a huge number of shipping lines. Shipping has been an old activity here.
Australia do have a lot of marine colleges but the number of mariners that graduate every year is much less compared to what they actually need. This difference in demand and supply has lead to this situation.
In this situation a lot of mariners from the different parts of the world immigrate to Australia every year. The government of Australia and the shipping companies of Australia support this and they encourage a lot of new mariners to immigrate and make it their home.
The mariners from the various parts of the world also like the idea of settling down in the beautiful country of Australia. The pay is good for the mariners in Australia. There is a high demand for skilled mariners. There is a huge number of shipping companies in Australia who are ready to hire skilled mariners are any cost.
The life standard in Australia is good and there are hardly any political disturbances in the country. There are many good schools and colleges in Australia making it a good opportunity for your children to get a good education. Australia is a land of many opportunities and it is quite possible for the mariner’s wife to get a good job in the country too. The country is safe and there are hardly any major crime reported. So looking at all these points it is a good country to immigrate.
I would like to make one important point here, that normally people think about the visa mentioned at this page namely maritime crew visa as related to immigration but this is NOT so. This visa is mainly for seamen who are working on ships and their ship is going to some port in Australia and is different from the visa we are considering in this article, namely to get a permanent residence in Australia.
Skill Select
If you are a marine engineer or a deck officer and have a few years of experience sailing at any of the these ranks under your belt, chances are that you would most like qualify for the current Skill Select program which offers the opportunity to anyone with the right skills to come and stay in Australia if he or she qualifies the minimum points criteria.
Please note that this information is pretty dynamic and is valid at the time of writing this article but do check with the Department of Immigration Australia website for any latest info, in case you happen to read this article after a few months of its publication, even though we try our best to keep our stuff updated with current developments at all times as far as practically feasible.
Currently Skill Select sub class 189 includes marine engineers and navigating officers in the eligible qualifications as you can see in this list for Schedule A.
The other conditions you have to check with the DEA are the points you would obtain for your age, the actual years of working experience, educational qualifications and most importantly your English language skills which are assessed by IELTS. Keep in mind that if you can score a band of 8 in all the four sections of the IELTS test, then there is hardly anything which can stop you from succeeding. We also provide coaching for English at our parent website.
And if your points add upto 60 (at this time) then you should be happy to know that you are eligible for it.
We hope that we have given all the information that you might need to know about, Can mariners immigrate to Australia? I hope this article will help you to migrate to Australia and have a happy life ahead for you and your family. These are all the vital points that you need to know about maritime crew visa in Australia.
Can Mariners Immigrate To Australia?,