As any other field, where many people have a common type of work but work for different organizations, they have to form a union that regulates and protects their rights. Seafarers international union like many other unions common today have helped regulate conditions and stop seafarer exploitation by unscrupulous ship owners. Besides regulating seafarer’s rights it also regulates the pay scale and requirements to maintain a regulated pay so that competition is ruled out when it comes to salary.

The SIU was first chartered in 1938, and has had several amendments since its inauguration. At first the union was shunned by shipping companies since it proposed better pay and living standards for seafarers but as time went by and the union got more members they slowly began regaining control of the power that would automatically grow.
Today the union regulates standards that seafarers should be all treated with and controls the way they regulate them. Companies that do not follow these regulations are boycotted and seafarers caution against working for them. The seafarers international union not only regulates the seafarers rights but also safe guards the shipping industry from unnecessary exploitation from the seafarers.
Working to safe guard both sides the organization has noted a slow but steady growth since 1938 and today has imposed several regulations that help maintain and improve the unions standard. The following union member rights and officer responsibilities were imposed:
Union Member Rights
All union members have equal right of participation in union affairs and activities
Have the right of freedom of speech and assembly
To make suggestions in setting rates, fees and assessment
When unsatisfied protection of right to sue
Are safe guarded against improper treatment
Bargaining agreements
All union employees and the public reserve the right to inspect copies of bargaining agreements for any irregularities.
Report writing
The union officer members are required to analyze, prepare and submit information reports, constitutional and bylaw copies and the annual financial report. All report will remain public and copies must be supplied to the public without request and at all times.
Members require to be elected to union officer posts and union members have the right to:
Nominate a candidate to office
Election must be held by secret ballot
Protest the result of an election if found to have been conducted unfairly.
Removal of union officers
Elected officers guilty of misconduct may be removed from office by union members using adequate procedures in place.
Non violent action
All union members must abstain from violent confrontation, threats or the use of force. Failure to comply will lead to warning or rejection of union membership in future for the members found guilty.
These are some of the regulations used to safe guard members and the union itself from forces that could tarnish its image among other members. The seafarers international union has helped improve standards and welfare of sea men around the world by regulating their standards so that they can all share the same rights while at sea.